ID 74389890
Level User (100)
Points 6469846 (Rank 17)
Messages sent 135129 (Rank 95)
Last seen 2025-02-04 22:59:04.740053+00:00
Last active in chat 2025-02-04 18:44:47.095003+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 10 months and 13 days
Time spent in offline chat 2 years and 1 hour NotLikeThis
Permabanned on botnextdoor No

Duel stats

Duels Total 2
Duels Won 1
Duels Lost 1
Winrate 50.0%
Profit from duels -4993 points
Last duel 2020-04-29 09:48:02.540227+00:00

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 6908508
Roulettes amount 24
Profit 5744862
Winrate 45.83%
Biggest winstreak 3
Biggest losestreak 5
Biggest win 3226168
Biggest loss -341370

Roulette history

Time Diff
2024-10-18 22:00:21.788692+00:00 3226168
2024-10-13 01:59:29.988894+00:00 153616
2024-10-13 01:58:46.777312+00:00 -341370
2024-10-13 01:52:23.520909+00:00 1706852
2024-10-04 20:23:49.754888+00:00 852924
2023-05-22 15:53:51.377616+00:00 357949
2020-08-03 19:07:06.864284+00:00 -11602
2020-06-23 21:28:29.506596+00:00 -13253
2020-05-14 21:04:22.179068+00:00 -95248
2020-04-12 17:50:50.335735+00:00 -2324
2020-04-01 16:46:04.058912+00:00 -21411
2020-03-20 20:37:45.696888+00:00 7492
2020-03-14 18:52:42.147631+00:00 -14272
2020-02-19 08:41:43.570103+00:00 -3128
2020-01-27 12:53:16.656694+00:00 -23224
2019-09-20 21:37:27+00:00 621
2019-09-17 10:33:20+00:00 -24085
2019-07-04 17:58:40+00:00 -1866
2019-06-25 18:06:37+00:00 734
2019-06-03 16:39:12+00:00 -4222
2019-05-25 19:16:45+00:00 693
2019-05-13 14:18:37+00:00 -25818
2019-05-10 21:38:25+00:00 13184
2019-05-03 14:09:56+00:00 6452