User Profile - JozefBrzeczyszczykiewicz

ID 73859741
Level User (100)
Points 6519853 (Rank 16)
Messages sent 86812 (Rank 219)
Last seen 2025-02-13 22:40:10.390313+00:00
Last active in chat 2025-02-13 13:55:05.980456+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 6 months and 16 days
Time spent in offline chat 9 months and 20 days
Permabanned on botnextdoor No

Duel stats

Duels Total 1
Duels Won 0
Duels Lost 1
Winrate 0.0%
Profit from duels 0 points
Last duel 2023-12-15 19:26:43.240510+00:00

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 4748152
Roulettes amount 18
Profit 4601414
Winrate 61.11%
Biggest winstreak 4
Biggest losestreak 3
Biggest win 3120609
Biggest loss -63958

Roulette history

Time Diff
2024-12-30 15:26:04.421449+00:00 2137
2024-12-06 13:45:24.002488+00:00 11948
2024-10-14 17:39:05.707706+00:00 2137
2024-09-28 10:00:53.464045+00:00 2137
2024-09-10 21:55:32.809760+00:00 -2137
2024-09-04 14:12:40.458721+00:00 2137
2024-08-23 21:46:05.138749+00:00 -63958
2024-06-05 20:06:57.997867+00:00 -2137
2024-04-26 10:34:24.407791+00:00 10
2024-04-16 09:11:42.235397+00:00 3120609
2024-01-19 11:24:21.750804+00:00 1521770
2023-11-15 09:47:29.539860+00:00 -2137
2023-10-26 09:18:22.284494+00:00 2137
2023-10-17 10:53:09.337174+00:00 -1000
2023-03-12 00:46:33.422053+00:00 -1000
2022-12-30 17:21:44.291416+00:00 -1000
2022-12-06 15:22:20.319241+00:00 8761
2022-09-14 15:37:48.996478+00:00 1000