User Profile - JUSTmariusz

Username JUSTmariusz
ID 406378614
Level User (100)
Points 4334303 (Rank 30)
Messages sent 52265 (Rank 454)
Last seen 2023-06-24 20:41:58.046690+00:00
Last active in chat 2023-06-24 11:16:26.360186+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 4 months and 22 days
Time spent in offline chat 7 months and 28 days
Permabanned on botnextdoor No

Duel stats

Duels Total 2
Duels Won 0
Duels Lost 2
Winrate 0.0%
Profit from duels -11000 points
Last duel 2021-07-27 23:44:50.960822+00:00
Current Lose Streak 2

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 336000
Roulettes amount 18
Profit 200000
Winrate 61.11%
Biggest winstreak 5
Biggest losestreak 3
Biggest win 200000
Biggest loss -30000

Roulette history

Time Diff
2021-08-15 19:55:52.769446+00:00 1000
2021-07-16 23:35:39.177323+00:00 200000
2021-07-16 21:46:59.418820+00:00 -15000
2021-07-16 21:46:55.029473+00:00 -5000
2021-07-15 15:02:19.014280+00:00 -1000
2021-07-10 22:27:37.443156+00:00 5000
2021-07-10 22:27:31.076616+00:00 -2000
2021-07-09 23:53:49.627085+00:00 1000
2021-07-09 23:21:27.841991+00:00 1000
2021-07-04 12:21:33.482795+00:00 5000
2021-06-20 15:18:47.533081+00:00 5000
2021-06-16 17:30:55.327226+00:00 10000
2021-06-10 20:13:16.296616+00:00 -30000
2021-06-10 20:13:10.349855+00:00 -5000
2021-06-09 12:48:25.376275+00:00 5000
2021-06-09 12:43:07.459265+00:00 25000
2021-06-09 12:40:29.162824+00:00 10000
2021-06-09 12:40:24.950788+00:00 -10000