User Profile - LittleScampi

ID 38903830
Level User (100)
Points 425000 (Rank 525)
Messages sent 541952 (Rank 2)
Last seen 2024-12-31 19:08:21.448789+00:00
Last active in chat 2024-12-31 19:07:06.773337+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 9 months and 20 days
Time spent in offline chat 1 year and 9 days
Permabanned on botnextdoor No

Duel stats

Duels Total 29
Duels Won 11
Duels Lost 18
Winrate 37.93%
Profit from duels -105336 points
Last duel 2024-11-15 10:51:13.064371+00:00
Longest Win Streak 3
Current Lose Streak 3

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 1617563
Roulettes amount 27
Profit -363183
Winrate 44.44%
Biggest winstreak 5
Biggest losestreak 5
Biggest win 200000
Biggest loss -200000

Roulette history

Time Diff
2024-10-28 19:39:04.204405+00:00 -1066
2024-10-28 19:38:56.006120+00:00 533
2024-10-28 19:38:49.214131+00:00 20000
2024-10-28 19:36:54.446492+00:00 200000
2024-10-28 19:36:50.356981+00:00 100000
2024-10-28 19:36:44.872533+00:00 50000
2024-10-28 19:36:40.971196+00:00 -200000
2024-10-28 19:36:35.493648+00:00 -200000
2024-10-28 19:36:30.713028+00:00 -100000
2024-10-28 19:36:26.566149+00:00 -50000
2024-10-28 19:35:36.441935+00:00 200000
2024-10-28 19:35:33.225217+00:00 -100000
2024-10-28 19:35:29.893121+00:00 -50000
2024-10-28 19:35:27.283344+00:00 -30000
2024-10-28 19:35:24.599605+00:00 -20000
2024-10-28 19:35:21.915587+00:00 -10000
2024-07-02 11:33:30.216418+00:00 40000
2024-07-02 11:33:25.403810+00:00 -20000
2024-07-02 11:33:09.629143+00:00 -10000
2024-05-21 10:44:25.797600+00:00 5556
2024-01-19 11:25:07.178285+00:00 100
2024-01-15 14:16:50.284021+00:00 1
2024-01-15 14:16:45.497651+00:00 -1
2024-01-04 22:15:03.517378+00:00 -1
2021-09-04 18:22:30.562301+00:00 10000
2020-08-24 13:58:06.540667+00:00 -199305
2019-09-24 15:07:59.345703+00:00 1000