User Profile - mad_alexander

Username mad_alexander
ID 106828464
Level User (100)
Points 0 (Rank 1022295)
Messages sent 8305 (Rank 2856)
Last seen 2022-06-19 21:43:27.835164+00:00
Last active in chat 2022-06-19 21:41:20.546407+00:00
Time spent watching the stream 1 month and 10 days
Time spent in offline chat 6 months and 16 days NotLikeThis
Permabanned on botnextdoor No

Duel stats

Duels Total 6
Duels Won 4
Duels Lost 2
Winrate 66.67%
Profit from duels 9000 points
Last duel 2020-03-14 21:51:20.100404+00:00
Longest Win Streak 3

Roulette stats

Total points rouletted for 2024110
Roulettes amount 72
Profit 678380
Winrate 48.61%
Biggest winstreak 4
Biggest losestreak 4
Biggest win 536208
Biggest loss -160813

Roulette history

Time Diff
2020-03-07 17:29:58.766630+00:00 1000
2020-03-07 17:29:53.284560+00:00 -1000
2020-02-25 18:44:17.779629+00:00 -10724
2020-02-23 21:18:29.540401+00:00 536208
2020-02-23 21:18:24.911452+00:00 -28221
2020-02-23 21:18:21.050690+00:00 -29706
2020-02-23 21:18:17.578436+00:00 -31270
2020-02-23 21:18:13.474219+00:00 29781
2019-11-02 16:08:37.641542+00:00 -30855
2019-11-02 16:08:32.336507+00:00 -12594
2019-11-02 16:08:21.194600+00:00 -6360
2019-04-13 16:26:19+00:00 5000
2019-04-07 07:37:34+00:00 35017
2018-11-06 18:16:55+00:00 5
2018-11-03 18:12:14+00:00 47218
2018-11-03 18:12:10+00:00 -24851
2018-11-03 18:12:04+00:00 -5020
2018-11-03 18:12:00+00:00 -5071
2018-10-24 08:28:57+00:00 5019
2018-10-21 11:42:37+00:00 4968
2018-10-20 07:11:06+00:00 248469
2018-10-20 06:23:14+00:00 -62114
2018-10-20 06:23:10+00:00 -34508
2018-10-20 06:23:04+00:00 -18162
2018-10-20 06:23:00+00:00 -15135
2018-10-18 20:28:05+00:00 49347
2018-10-18 20:28:01+00:00 -36553
2018-10-18 20:27:58+00:00 -19238
2018-10-18 20:27:54+00:00 -20251
2018-10-18 19:44:18+00:00 15577
2018-10-18 19:44:12+00:00 -7947
2018-10-18 19:44:04+00:00 3934
2018-10-09 17:27:58+00:00 22222
2018-10-09 17:27:55+00:00 -11454
2018-10-09 17:27:50+00:00 7486
2018-10-09 17:27:45+00:00 -3781
2018-07-28 21:52:30+00:00 3623
2018-07-23 21:08:14+00:00 -11126
2018-07-23 12:14:58+00:00 -11437
2018-07-23 12:14:54+00:00 -11791
2018-07-23 12:14:45+00:00 18716
2018-07-22 18:21:30+00:00 -3777
2018-07-22 11:39:07+00:00 3802
2018-07-22 10:19:58+00:00 14620
2018-07-22 08:43:27+00:00 182617
2018-07-19 08:56:37+00:00 8578
2018-07-16 16:58:28+00:00 -160813
2018-07-16 16:58:23+00:00 -8463
2018-07-16 12:36:06+00:00 -8425
2018-07-16 12:33:02+00:00 5043
2018-07-12 16:55:26+00:00 8374
2018-07-11 15:21:59+00:00 6416
2018-07-11 11:02:18+00:00 -1593
2018-07-10 09:37:41+00:00 4618
2018-07-09 08:32:28+00:00 7285
2018-06-28 20:12:32+00:00 7089
2018-06-28 19:48:32+00:00 -7463
2018-06-22 13:18:07+00:00 -6227
2018-06-21 19:08:11+00:00 -1569
2018-06-21 19:07:54+00:00 6036
2018-06-21 19:07:51+00:00 5803
2018-06-21 19:07:45+00:00 -6045
2018-06-19 10:01:10+00:00 -7924
2018-06-07 17:47:40+00:00 -1556
2018-05-27 20:50:02+00:00 4552
2018-05-27 08:33:26+00:00 12358
2018-03-13 20:28:53+00:00 19979
2018-02-18 13:33:54+00:00 3939
2018-02-13 12:57:43+00:00 -7021
2018-01-07 14:02:02+00:00 -2820
2017-12-13 20:26:54+00:00 12309
2017-11-20 19:54:08+00:00 4237